Robin Beres: How do we find truth in an age of Trump-induced hysteria? – WBNews

Recently, Wall Street Journal columnist Holman Jenkins mused that it “will be hard to notice when President Trump does something worthy of hysteria if everything he does is greeted with hysteria.” No kidding. The truth of that statement can be observed daily. To even the most casual of news consumers, it appears the Trump administration has spent its first three weeks in office firing one salvo after another at freedom, democracy, and the Constitution.

Many of the executive orders that have emanated from the White House since January 20 have been dreadful. The immigration ban stands out as particularly troublesome. Denying admittance to refugees fleeing war-torn nations that the U.S. was instrumental in destabilizing seems wrong. Especially when the ban wasn’t applied to Saudi Arabia, the granddaddy of state-sponsored terror.

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[email protected] (804) 649-6305 Twitter: @RobinBeres

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Posted in Robin Beres, View-oped-sig on Saturday, February 11, 2017 9:00 pm.

Posted in Robin Beres, View-oped-sig on Saturday, February 11, 2017 9:00 pm. White House, Politics, Institutes, Media, Donald Trump,

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