Conservative criticism of pope sparks rally of support World – WBNews

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis’ top advisers are rallying to his defense amid an unprecedented wave of conservative criticism that represents the biggest challenge to his mercy-over-morals papacy. In an unusual gesture, the nine cardinals from around the world who advise Francis on running the church made a public show of support for the pope and his teachings this week after posters featuring a scowling Francis appeared around Rome. The posters referenced some perceived heavy-handed moves against conservatives and asked “Where’s your mercy?” And on Tuesday, the Vatican published a book by the Holy See’s top canon lawyer fully endorsing Francis’ controversial opening to divorced and civilly remarried Catholics — the main bone of contention between the pope and conservative and traditionalist Catholics. The book’s author, Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, said the Vatican bureaucracy and cardinals exist to help and serve the pope. “He knows we love him and we are with him,” Coccopalmerio said in an interview with The Associated Press after the book launch. He called the anti-pope posters “odious” and “from the point of view of civility and manners, not nice and not condonable.” Conservatives and traditionalists have been wary of Francis ever since he emerged on the loggia of St. Peter’s Basilica after his 2013 election without the red velvet cape of his predecessors. More recently, they have been alarmed by his takeover of the Knights of Malta sovereign religious order and the public sidelining of its conservative patron, Cardinal Raymond Burke. But the conservatives’ greatest…more detail

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